Authorized Premium Beautiful Agent

How To Gain Health...Beauty...Confidence...Wealth...Financial Freedom...Debt Free...Free Trips...Car Funds....all at the same time?

For Answers...Don't hesitate to call...012-5617024 (Eejay) or email me at

~specializing in Northern Region ( Penang, Kedah, Perlis, Perak)

I will guide you all the way.... (^_^)

PB: Opening Ceremony....

Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Here yeeee...Here yeeee.....

Another Premium Beautiful agent has landed  in Penang...!!!! ;) 

So those from Penang or any northern region...I am so totally here if you need me...!!! ;)

Anyway...while writing my post on tutoring...kedengaran bunyi loceng rumah..the package I've been waiting for has arrived...and with the arrival of this package...maka lengkaplah penantianku pada minggu ini...just like I said in my 'longest weekend' post..... =)

The package I was referring was Premium Beautiful Corset stocks...!!!

thus making if official for me to start providing all of ya with the best corset in town!!!

3 in a set with 1 cute bag... ;)

And this is the one that could you all happy know why..? Premium beautiful corset is so awesome that it could make everyone near the lucky wearer happy...*wink* *wink*

The reason to the bold statement I made is that there are so many benefits of Premium Beautiful....let me let you into a secret....I used to buy a corset...before my wedding..! adeehh...and it costs me 3++....the brand..perlulah dirahsiakan...takkan nk aibkan brand lain plak....

tp pape pun...I wore it like a few weeks je...and it started to mengembang and eventually no grip if you poke the easily goes thru...berlubang! adeeeehhh lagik! nak return pun tak guna dah sbb warranty mmg there goes my 3++...tsk...tsk....

BUT....with Premium Beautiful...InsyaAllah you will NEVER have these post opening ceremony jeeekk.... =p

Look out for important post coming a.s.a.p...!
~~Characteristics of Premium Beautiful...
~~Benefits of Premium Beautiful....
~~Wearing Techniques...
~~Booking and Payment Methods...


Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah kamu makan (gunakan) harta-harta kamu sesama kamu dengan jalan yang salah (tipu, judi dan sebagainya), kecuali dengan jalan perniagaan yang dilakukan secara suka sama suka di antara kamu dan janganlah kamu berbunuh-bunuhan sesama sendiri. Sesungguhnya Allah sentiasa Mengasihani kamu.
( Surah An-Nisa’ ; 29 

~seperti ayat di atas, satisfactory of my customers is my priority so that kite akan sama2 suka dan sama2 happy... =)

So just contact me for booking and appointments... =)



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