Authorized Premium Beautiful Agent

How To Gain Health...Beauty...Confidence...Wealth...Financial Freedom...Debt Free...Free Trips...Car Funds....all at the same time?

For Answers...Don't hesitate to call...012-5617024 (Eejay) or email me at

~specializing in Northern Region ( Penang, Kedah, Perlis, Perak)

I will guide you all the way.... (^_^)

Roll Over..... =)

Thursday, November 18, 2010
Hari ni.......18 November 2010....Zahra finally dah boley roll over...hehehe..after like a month of trying...akhirnya Zahra berjaya....!!! skang dier sebuk nk roll over jerit jerit lepas tu coz geram....geram diri nye tak boleh menjalar lagik...sabar k baby Zahra at a time.... =p

Zahra rolling over... ;)

Hasilnye....roll over dah..pas ni menjalar plaaakk... =p

Bintang...Gelak...Meniarap...Pegang Botol

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Lame sgt tak update blog ni..maklumla...i'm not really a blogger..but trying so hard to be mandangkan byk jek bende ble cite...might as well I just put a few videos untuk tatapan anda.....hehehe...sesuai ngan title post niey... ;)

~berusaha ngan gigih tuk meniarap...tapi blum boley lagi.. =p

~Berusaha nk buat Zahra gelak..... ;)

~Zahra dah pandai pegang botol..! Sekejap je la... =p

~Semua bende Zahra nk makan skang... =p

So for now...thats about it....enjoyyyyyyy.............. =)